The second dutch Vocal improvisation festival
Why this festival?
Singing together makes you feel connected. here and now.
That’s what we need in a world that divides us.
What do you really want?
Wanting becomes different when you’re in connection
When there is no connection we want to have
When in connection we want to give
(Daniel Ofman)
Do you want to learn more about vocal improvisation?
Then you’re in the right place. At IFNL, the second Dutch vocal improvisation festival, we’re building on bridges. To people who love to sing and like to explore the improvisation with their voice.
- with concerts by vocal groups, some based on partially arranged pieces, some with just music that is totally invented in the moment, and a wide variety in between.
- with workshops on all levels, for people who just like to sing and for very advanced vocal improvisers.
- with circle singing sessions, where everyone is invited to join, or just listen if you prefer
- in a great venue with plenty of smaller and larger group rooms for groups and concerts, the theatre of Canisius College in Nijmegen